How to use the ShowNET laser mainboard as ArtNET node | Laserworld

This video explains the use of the ShowNET laser mainboard as ArtNET node. Even though the explanation is based on an integrated ShowNET as laser mainboard, it also applies to external ShowNET interfaces. The video explains the settings that need to be made to the mainboard in order to handle the ArtNET control signals in a way that the laser listens to the controls and outputs the control signal through it's DMX ports. So the laser becomes some sort of ArtNET node by converting the ArtNET signal to DMX. With using the DMX signbal that comes out of the laser then other lighting fixtures can be controlled, which are not ArtNET capable. Please be aware that the ArtNET node functionality of the ShowNET laser mainboard is löimited to the normal trigger control signal. RDP or similar enhanced information protocols are not supported. This is the simple ArtNET tool we used in the video: #artnet #dmx #artnetnode #node #dmx512 #shownet #laser #mainboard #lasershow #lighting #control #lightingcontrol

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Daniel Patricio
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