MadLaser with Laser - how to connect a Laser with ShowNET mainboard to MadMapper's MadLaser

This tutorial explains how to connect a laser with ShowNET laser mainboard to MadMapper's MadLaser extension and do basic configuration. MadLaser natively supports the ShowNET laser mainboard, which is standard in many different laser models now - it is plug-and-play capable. The connection is very simple: Run a LAN cable from the laser to the computer, start the MadLaser software and go. No additional licenses required for ShowNET or any other laser software (except for MadLaser of course). #madmapper #madlaser #laser #lasershow #videomapping #lasermapping #mapping #shownet #laserworld

Marcas distribuidas:

Marca distribuida Laserworld Marca distribuida tarm Marca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida Showeditor Marca distribuida Showcontroller Marca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent

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Daniel Patricio
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