Trace a Logo with Showcontroller Tracer - Logo projection with laser | Showcontroller

This video explains how a logo can be converted to laser graphics from a JPG or BMP file. It explains the preparation of the file with a graphics program, so Showcontroller Tracer can convert it more easily. As some logos are rather complex and thus difficult to be projected with basic laser systems, this tutorial also explains how logos can be split up to be projected by several laser systems. In addition to that, it is also explained how to animate the logo using the Showcontroller Realtime timeline or Showcontroller Live.

Marcas distribuidas:

Marca distribuida Laserworld Marca distribuida tarm Marca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida Showeditor Marca distribuida Showcontroller Marca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent

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Daniel Patricio
+34 910 059 459

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