Laserworld CS-12.000RGB ShowNET

- 12'000 mW RGB pure diode laser system
- ShowNET inside
- DMX / ArtNet controllable
- Stand-alone mode
- Computer controllable via ShowNET interface (requires Showeditor or Showcontroller software)
- Basic graphics capability - scanners
- Analog modulation
- Laser beam masking plate on front panel
- 360° mounting bracket
- IP54 enclosure
Controladora ShowNET de serie:
- Varias opciones de control: ILDA, DMX Profesional (dos modos), Art-Net Profesional (dos modos), Funcionamiento autónomo, Receptor de streaming ILDA, LAN (control por ordenador, DAC integrado)
- Crea contenido personalizado, almacénalo dentro del láser y reprodúcelo en diferentes modos
- Software de control de espectáculos láser gratuito incluido

El láser funciona de forma autónoma y no necesita ningún control. Reproduce el contenido almacenado en la placa base del láser.

El láser se puede controlar con un controlador DMX estándar o un software DMX.

El láser puede ser controlado a través de la LAN - que puede ser directamente por software, o ArtNET o similar (dependiendo de la placa base)

El láser puede controlarse a través de ILDA estándar, la señal de control analógica para control de láser. Se pueden utilizar convertidores digitales-analógicos (DAC) externos.

El láser está equipado con la avanzada controladora láser ShowNET que aporta multitud de características al láser y lo convierte en un dispositivo de iluminación inteligente.

Se incluye la versión completa del software Showeditor, para el control de espectáculos láser.
The Laserworld CS-12.000RGB ShowNET is a pure diode, analog modulated, full color RGB laser system with a guaranteed output power of 12'000 mW. The red laser source has an output power of 3'000 mW / 638 nm, the green of 3'000 mW / 520 nm and the royal-blue laser source has an output power of 6'000 mW / 450 nm. The diode laser sources ensure powerful laser beams. The projector has good beam specifications with a beam diameter of 5 mm and beam divergence of 1.2 mrad. The galvo system has a scan speed of up to .
Pattern size can be set by two rotary buttons on the rear side of the housing.
There is no airflow in the optical compartment, the temperature is regulated through the separate cooling fins compartment. This reduces maintenance and cleaning requirements to a minimum.
Through DMX, in the stand-alone mode. about ca. 130 (layers, tunnels, fences, waves, etc.), effects gratings can be projected in different colors and in various speed.
Next to the modes mentioned above, this laser projector provides a master-slave-mode. Show lasers of the same series (slave projectors), connected via DMX cable to a main projector (master projector) project the same patterns like the master projector.
The Laserworld CS-12.000RGB ShowNET is computer controllable through a professional ILDA interface. Thus own or pre-programmed lasershows, logos, texts or own graphics and animations can be shown in combination with a laser control software (e.g. Showeditor or Showcontroller).
The Laserworld CS-12.000RGB ShowNET show laser projector comes with a compact housing, which is light weight and has a stable bracket. The 360° mounting bracket allows for different mounting positions: a hanging as well as a standing installation is possible - ideal for mobile DJs and temporary laser shows, but also for fixed installations at a truss or at the ceiling.
The Laserworld CS-12.000RGB ShowNET is ideal for semi-professional applications and is perfectly suitable in medium sized to large clubs and discos as well as for Small to medium-sized festivals.
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Control interno de ShowNET:

DMX Control

ArtNet Control

Automatic / Stand Alone


ILDA Streaming
Control estándar ILDA externo:

Analog ILDA
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