Show láser: Eve of the war - Galactic Sounds Orchestra - Free Laser show

Eve of the war - Galactic Sounds Orchestra - Free Laser show
Showcontroller - Software de control láser
2019 - presente
"Eve of the war" is a free laser show for Showcontroller laser control software.

2 Channel Beamshow
Laser Show Creator: unnamed
Number of output scanners: 2

Song Artist: Galactic Sounds Orchestra
Song Title: Eve of the War

Exact song name: The Eve of the War (From "War of the Worlds")
Additional information to the music source: Independence Day - Great Sci-Fi Hits

Genre: Pop, Classik, classic crossover

Marcas distribuidas:

Marca distribuida Laserworld Marca distribuida tarm Marca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida Showeditor Marca distribuida Showcontroller Marca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent

ch  pt  mx  br  ar
Daniel Patricio
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